How are the Teachers of Tutorial Hub coaching institute near me?

Tutorial Hub a coaching Institute in Kolkata follows some principles while selecting teachers for their coaching institute:

Role of Teacher

Today we will discuss- Role of Teacher

The play instinct in children has to be directed through proper channels and the teacher's duty with respect to it is threefold.
1. To help the children to realize their own impulses by encouraging them to play.
2. She may encourage those elements in children's play which are good and useful.
3. One is to discourage those elements in play that are injurious or improper and to see that the play activity should develop moral qualities such as justice, wisdom, self-control, truth, loyalty, freedom, consideration for others, perseverance, and co-operation.
Teacher Quality:-
A teacher must have the quality to proceed from simple to complex. For example, In the first stage, the teacher asks some simple questions to the students who are known to them and related to that day's topic. On the basis of these simple questions, the teacher proceeds towards the more complex ones.

pupil teacher relation
Pupil-teacher relation

Pupil-teacher relationship

The relationship between the teacher and the pupil must be similar to that of a parent and child because a teacher is the second parent. Informing an intimate and cordial relationship with the pupils, the teacher must follow certain principles of conduct.

Firstly, the teacher must respect the child fully well and discover his abilities, interest, aptitudes, likes, and dislikes.

Secondly, The teacher must not suffer from a false sense of dignity or vanity. In the words of Swami Vivekananda, " A true teacher is one who can immediately come down to the level of the students....... see through and understand through their minds. He must mix with the pupils and even play with them".

Thirdly, the teacher's personal conduct must inspire in his pupils a love for knowledge. It is well said, that there are no dull and difficult subjects, there are only dull and difficult teachers.

parent teacher relation
Parent-teacher relation

Parent-Teacher Co-operation

In the interest of the pupils, a teacher should establish and maintain a close relationship with their parents. The teacher may know the pupil better if the teacher knows the child's parents. A congenial home and a good teacher work jointly towards discharging their responsibilities for bringing up the child. The home lays the foundation and the educational institute builds up the edifice of the child's future life.
It is also the duty of the teachers to educate parents. Again parents may have their own special problems which they want to communicate with the teachers. It is only when it is the frequent connection between the parents and the teachers that the problems concerning the education of the child can be solved. Teachers need to get cooperation from the parent in discharging their duties.

So, We are running our coaching institute by keeping in mind all the above statements. If you are searching for your child better place of education then yes you are at the right place, drop your info I will get back to you soon or you may contact us on
Contact us on: +919330891569/+918697062207


Address: Batanagar, Opp- Khosla electronics, Maheshtal. Kol - 700141


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